Hip Hop’s most influential pioneer and master, Buddha Stretch, has chosen DENA BILBAO as the venue where he will offer two master classes and a conference on his first trip to the North of Spain.
Who is Buddha Stretch and why are we so excited and thankful that he has chosen us to share a day with on his first visit to the North of Spain? For those who don´t know, Buddha Stretch is the world’s top exponent of Hip Hop – one of the creators and pioneers of this culture, which is not just about dance. As Buddha Stretch says himself, dance is one expression of the urban culture known as Hip Hop, a name that he first used to baptize the dance when someone asked him about the style he was dancing in. It was that moment when the dance took on the name of this street culture while at the same time giving birth to an icon.
Buddha Stretch thinks that nowadays there are very few dancers who can really be said to do Hip Hop; some do dance popping, locking, b-boying and so on. But these dance styles have their own origins and roots, different from those of Hip Hop. Hip Hop is a social dance, a “party dance” that you do to Hip Hop music. This is what Buddha Stretch does with his band, Elite Force Crew.
So, we´re more than pleased, in fact, it’s more like we’re living a dream – with our heads in the clouds! With his visit we strengthen the way we go about promoting urban culture. It´s now becoming a reality. Thanks to Buddha Stretch, DENA Bilbao is growing and helping us to understand directly and from its origins what the most pure Hip Hop is all about. And as he told us himself: “straight from New York City”.
Next Saturday 14 May we´ll be able to share with you (DENA Bilbao family), a key day not only in the history of DENA but also in the history of Hip Hop at a national level. It will be the day when we’ll be able to dance with the dancer, choreographer and pioneer of Hip Hop: Buddha Stretch. Nothing less!
For the last few months we have shared with you a lot of important news. We´ve taken part in all kinds of events, we have sneaked onto the stages of BBK Live and NOS ALIVE in Lisbon thanks to Azealia Banks, and we have been on national television (Telecinco) to show our way of understanding urban dance and culture. On top of that we are organizing in DENA BILBAO a Masterclass and Workshop of Dancehall, Krump, Breaking and Hip Hop, thanks to the collaboration of Arias “JOKER” Fernández, Mourad Rachid, Idoia “AISHA” Rodríguez, Karol “MISTY-K” Galindo, Álvaro Funkestein, Tamara Arruti, Andrea Arruti and Julen Atela, along with the opportunity of learning about urban music thanks to the great Mad Muasel and Big Sound Boy.
After an agenda so intense and full of emotions, it´s difficult to express what we feel with Buddha Stretch´s visit to our urban culture centre DENA BILBAO. In fact, we won´t believe it till we see him in the flesh next Saturday 14 May. That day will be, without any doubt, etched forever on our retinas and hearts, on top of being the most important “milestone” in the humble trajectory of DENA BILBAO.